Welcome to the New SRHA.net!

We were a bit overdue on a website upgrade. Our previous website dated back right at 20 years to 2003. While state of the art at the time, it was beginning to look a bit dated in this newer age of the internet, so it was decided several years ago to begin the process to develop a new one. Many thanks to Dan Sparks for maintaining it and our membership database over the years.

Going through the old website, we decided that we wanted to focus on providing a website that makes everything easy to use and provide all the functionality that is expected from a website nowadays. The GRAB Store has been overhauled and includes a modern checkout including Apple Pay and Google Pay (device dependent) if checking out on participating devices. We still have some 2024 SRHA Calendars in the GRAB too if you’re ready to try it out! The Photo Gallery has been refreshed with an interactive map and search/filter functions to showcase many of the locations and scenes of the Southern Railway. We also wanted to provide a good fresh look into what the Archive is all about, as this is the core of what the SRHA does now. Check out the Ties Magazine index (still getting populated) to see many wonderful examples of what the Archives provide to preserve the history of the Southern Railway through information and stories.

Of course, these efforts are funded by your memberships and donations, which always go a long way to keeping the organization moving forward in its mission.

We hope you enjoy all of our efforts to improve your SRHA web experience.



As part of the website overhaul, we are transitioning to a new membership software, Join It, to manage your membership information with us. You will now be able to self-manage your information and membership through the member portal and renewals through the platform are instantaneous.

Logging in is a breeze, just navigate to https://app.joinit.com/o/srha and click Already a Member? Log in. You will then be prompted to enter your email address already associated with your SRHA account, and if successful proceed to create a password.

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Please take the time to login and verify that your information is correct. We copied everything from our current member database, but it never hurts to make sure we have the most up-to-date and correct email and address for you.

Memberships that expired with the Q2 and Q3 2023 TIES issues will show as expired on your profiles, unless you have renewed. You can use the buttons at the bottom to renew or upgrade your membership.

As information, by default, the payments will auto-renew and charge you each year unless you select single payment. Unfortunately, we cannot change this behavior from being the default option, and feel free to use this functionality if it is more convenient for you.

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Please contact us if you encounter any issues.

Posted by:
Kyle Shannon
Sep 04, 2023